Conversational Method

Knowing your product makes the sales experience more conversational

  • Makes it easier to talk about the product in any situation. If you were planning on presenting in a small face to face but have to present on stage, knowing your product is key to being able to present in any situations. There have been many times that I didn’t think I needed to present a formal presentation and instead I thought that I was just going to talk about it, but instead I was required to give a detailed report on products and was able to do so, not because I had a good, planned PowerPoint, but because I knew the product.


  •  Knowing your product also can increase the appearance of confidence which then makes the customer more comfortable in buying from you.


  • If you are following a script and your customer want to learn different information than you are telling them, it is hard to get off script and tell them the information without revisiting info. Accidentally repeating yourself is a danger when following a script.


  • Knowing your product leaves more room for reading your customer and mimicking them which can then lead to a more comfortable sales .
2 thoughts on “The Importance of Knowing Your Product”
  1. Understanding all the features and advantages of your product are important but if the benefit to the customer is not effectively conveyed, the customer may have a difficult time not seeing what is in it for them. Obviously a customer wants to know how a product can benefit their business so making sure they understand the benefit to them and their business is key.

  2. It is one of those situations where it is funny if you ask a salesperson a question and they don’t know how to answer, yet a horrifying one if you are the salesperson. I think your tip about knowing your product is a really good one. Also, sometimes it helps to go off script. Great job!

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