One show that I enjoy a lot is “Black Mirror”. The whole concept of the show interests me a lot especially how psychological the episodes can get. An episode that stands out to me is titled “Nosedive”. It is about a woman who lives in a status-obsessed world that perpetuates the worth of a person based on their ranking number. Everyone can see your number, and if you have a positive interaction with someone then both people can leave a high rating for each other which directly affects your overall ranking number. Those who have high ranks are seen as the elites of society and the ones with low numbers are generally ignored and looked down on.

This episode gives a sobering look into how much social status plays a role on influencing others whether we know it or not. We all know that everyone should be treated with respect no matter their occupation, age, gender, race, etc., but the unfortunate reality is that society puts certain people on a pedestal based on their perceived value while others are disregarded. As the episode progresses, the main character’s social ranking drops more and more for various reasons and she desperately tries to get back to where it was. Eventually her score drops so low that she gets put in jail. Although this is a sad way for the episode to end, she realizes the valuable lesson that you can’t please everyone so it’s better to focus on being yourself. This is when she finds meaning in life and is overjoyed despite her situation.

3 thoughts on “The Influence of Status”
  1. One thing I think that’s cool about sales is that it works best when it doesn’t discriminate. Color, occupation, age, sexual orientation, and anything else we discriminate against goes away. If someone has a problem, and there’s a solution, the free market creates an exchange of value and a better life for both parties. It’s sad when we discriminate against superficial things, but sales can be an avenue for change. Thanks for the post!

  2. I think status like other things plays a huge role in sales. I agree with lavalla that it doesn’t discriminate but i believe if you hold yourself to a higher standard and present yourself in a positive matter, that can go super far in a sales opportunity.

  3. This reminds me of how when we sell, we need to be purposeful. We need to leave a positive impact on the prospect and the world. A positive interaction may not be necessary for a good sale, but making it a good fit is necessary. Thanks for sharing!

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