Talk About Price

Money is a touchy issue. Many people are concerned with talking about money in front of other people. It is something everyone worries about, and no one talks about. But when it comes to sales, tackling the money question is vital to good sales. Here are two reasons why:

  1. It Sets Expectations

Letting the customer know how much they should expect to spend for your product lets them give serious evaluation to your product. They need to know how much they expect to pay for the value you provide; until a price is given, the entire transaction is theoretical. If the customer has not done some of their own research, this can be jarring, but it must be addressed for the customer to take the serious step towards buying.

2. Provides The Ability For Closure

Sometimes a customer cannot pay the high price of your product. Other times, they cannot wait to take advantage of your deal. In both of these cases, it ushers the deal towards finalization. While this does not mean you rush the process, it does mean that you have stopped beating around the bush. You do not want to waste their (or your) time on a customer who cannot buy. If they cannot afford it, be upfront about how this may not be a good deal for either of you, and end the conversation.

Do not waste your time, and let them know what to expect from you. Being upfront shows them that you are interested in finding what is right for both parties.

One thought on “The Money Question”
  1. You bring up a great point that talking about budget can be uncomfortable in some situations. However, once you get to the stage where you can ask those questions appropriately it takes the sale from theoretical to actual. I like that you made that distinction to emphasize the importance of talking money, even when it’s awkward.

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