When it comes to selling you want to make an impression. When doing this there is fine line that you must walk. It is important to show the client that you care, but you do not want to come across as too eager or salesy. To do this, you must keep a few things in mind. Below are a list of tips for when it comes to sales situations.

  1. Dress to Impress – When it comes to sales situations you want to begin by putting your best foot forward. An easy way to do this is to dress for success. In doing this you want to get the point across that you are serious about the meeting. Dressing in a business professional way is the easiest way to do this.
  2. Show Interest But Don’t Be Too Eager- When approaching a sales situation it is important to show the prospect that you are interested in them and their business. You can easily do this by asking questions about their business. This is the easiest way to get down to the root of their pain so that you can introduce your solution. Through this you want to show interest in them, but you don’t want to grill them with questions. In situations like this it is easy to come off as too eager, which can give off a salesy vibe which usually has a negative connotation.
  3. Be Personal, Don’t Present- In sales, you want to create a personal relationship with your prospect. You want to let them do most of the talking. Instead of you telling them what they need and presenting the solution to them, you want them to explain their need to you in a way that makes them curious about your solution. This way, you can have a more organic conversation in which they realize their need without you telling it to them.
One thought on “The Perfect Amount of Presence”
  1. These all correlate, at least for me, to being a naturally engaging salesperson that doesn’t really appear to be selling at all. Keeping the sales process natural is essential in selling in society today.

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