As mentioned in the reading, most people assume extroverts to be the best suit for sales. Interestingly enough, it seems that they barely do better than introverts. Ambiverts, however, are actually the personality type with the largest amount of success in the sales world. In a way, it makes total sense. If you walk into a store, you do not what to be overly bombarded by someone who talks to you without pause. However, if a salesperson does not approach you or give you enough information regarding the product, you are likely to not buy as well. The Ambivert is the perfect balance to this situation. The Ambivert has relational skills and also requires time to process and internalize people’s reactions in conversations. As a result, they do extremely well in the sales world. They pitch the information as needed, give the customer room to think, and later checks in with them. This approach allows for the customer to feel like they are the one in control. I found this information extremely interesting because I’m actually an Ambivert. I love talking to people and feed off of their energy, but too much can burn me out very easily. I need a steady balance of engagement and personal reflection. I have been told by many people that I have a talent for negotiations and “selling” people my opinion. I really believe that there is merit to this point.

One thought on “The Personality of Sales”
  1. Cool thought, I think bringing up ambivert’s is important when speaking of sales. People often think that extroverts would be best at selling; however as you pointed out they can sometimes be a bit too friendly. Thanks for sharing!

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