Building a Salesman

As we discussed in class everyone has an initial picture in their mind when asked to picture a sales person. This picture can range from a greasy used car salesman to a cunning, highly intelligent individual. An effective sales team is a crucial part to every company, well worth their weight in gold. Large companies have sales recruiters to bring in the best of the best., an entrepreneurial  blogging platform has addressed this question in a post called, “13 Traits of an Outstanding Salesman”.

This blog is a compilation of individual opinions from salesmen, business owners, and sales recruiters. This format is a great way of saying that there isn’t one perfect sales personality. There are a wide variety sales skills, ethics, and traits that greats sales people typically have. The search to find or create the perfect salesmen is relatively impossible. Each sales person has a unique set of skills that equip them in persuading consumers to take action. Companies would love to solve the equation of the perfect salesmen, pulling all the best traits and attributes into one individual creating a Frankenstein salesmen.

One thought on “The Personality of Salesmen”
  1. Interesting spread of opinions. I like how some of the experts wanted more of the drive/tenacity/hunter’s mentality/resilience from their salesman and others preferred the ability to empathize, build relationships, and establish trust. Successful salespeople are different and they might not all use the same approach, which makes the study of sales all the more interesting.

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