This video highly emphases the idea of a salesman (Grover) trying to sell a person (Kermit) on something without actually caring what the potential customer wants. Grover simply barges into Kermit’s home and starts showing off his product before Kermit really even knows what’s going on. Not to mention Grover completely wrecks Kermit’s house without flinching because all he cares about is selling his product. Then at the end of the whole fiasco Grover runs out of the house yelling and celebrating that he sold something, and this shows, yet again, that he cares only about selling and making a profit.

Furthermore, another thing highlighted in this video is the “classic salesman” pushing someone into buying something. Grover pushes Kermit into a situation where he pretty much has to buy an umbrella. Kermit is then left in a cold, wet house and is out 5 cents.Image result for Kermit and grover

Though this clip is quite far fetched it seems to give a good representation of what first comes to people’s minds when they think of a salesman. They think of someone who cares only about selling and cares nothing for the buyer. In today’s world however, this stereotype defiantly seems to be changing for the better, and hopefully it continues to do so as more customer-oriented salesmen enter the work force.

2 thoughts on “The Pushy Salesman”
  1. That video was incredible. Not only was it entertaining, it showcased everything a salesperson could possibly do wrong. I’m glad that the view of the salesman is changing!

  2. I agree, the worst reputation salespeople have is being pushy. I think over time the view of the salesman will change, because pushy sales tactics will fade away. A salesman that is understanding and engaging will be the new norm.

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