The early 2000s saw the rise of “bling” culture in the mainstream with shows like Pimp My Ride, and right in the middle of tacky 2000s glitz was the HUMMER. A mammoth, gas-guzzling box on wheels, the HUMMER sat as one of the most desirable vehicles to be seen in, exemplifying American excess and prosperity. The brand and subsequent nameplate of the HUMMER were put into retirement after rising gas prices and the economic recession of 2008 caused GM to cut it after they fell into bankruptcy. Since then, the HUMMER is to a lot of people a sign of lack of respect for the environment and a tacky way to flaunt your wealth, generally looked down upon and ridiculed. But in the last month, GM announced they would resurrect the HUMMER name, not as its own company, but as a particular model under the GMC brand. But here’s the twist: it is an all-electric truck. Meaning that the HUMMER would no longer be associated with rediculous gas milage and petty excess. In addition, GM boasted that the new HUMMER would make 1000 horsepower stock, better numbers than most million-dollar supercars. GM will no doubt use the fame and noterarity of the HUMMERs of old, but with a new modern twist; and likely a modern price tag that could near six figures. Only time will tell how GM can sell this new take on an old and ridiculed brand.

3 thoughts on “The Rebirth of the HUMMER: A Smart Move?”
  1. This is a very interesting move by GM. People did love the hummer and the look and feel of the monstrous car, but I wonder if the brand is too closely associated with being bad for the environment. It will be interesting to see how they market the new electric vehicle to make sure everyone knows it is different from before.

  2. It is kind of crazy how such an economically unfriendly vehicle could make a turn around and become an “all-electric-truck” I am super interested to see what actually ends up happening with it and how people react to it. It was good that GMC realized why people didn’t like them so much and used the feedback to create something better. Great job on their part!

  3. Hummer used to be such a HUGE name but ever since the environmental movement began they have definitely been on the decline. It will definitely be interesting to see how this new Hummer goes. Nice work!!

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