
Daniel Pink’s blog, an extension of the book To Sell is Human, considers some of the most interesting aspects of sales, many rooted deeply in psychology.

Part of a smartly produced marker and paper video campaign, Pink offers some tips to achieve the perfect rhyming pitch. If you read Chapter 7, you’ll remember the author describing a study in which two groups are asked to rate proverbs based on their correlation to reality: does it fit with your experience?

But there was a catch: one group was given rhyming proverbs, the other the same statements, but in a form that didn’t rhyme. The result was truly astonishing. The rhyming ones were consistently ranked higher, even though the participants claimed the fact they rhymed made no difference.

In fact, it did. Pink suggests that using rhymes in sales pitches will increase conversions because of a little thing called “processing fluency.” Basically, rhymes go down easier.

Check out the little video below and consider writing your next pitch in rhyme.


3 thoughts on “The Rhyming Pitch”
  1. Great post! Selling is all about people, taking psychology into consideration is a must. Thanks for bringing this into light. Cool video!

  2. I really liked your post. I’m definitely going to keep this in mind in the future when I’m writing a pitch. The video was also super enjoyable; thanks for sharing.

  3. I had never considered using the poetic device of rhyming as a successful selling technique; however, your blog post has convinced me of its effectiveness! I am excited to start experimenting with this new technique and see it where goes. I wonder what other literary techniques could create more effective communication that leads to sales.

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