Typically, people associate salespeople as shady and manipulative. They aren’t wrong for having those terms linked to salespeople due to older business methods. However, times have changed and more and more companies are truly focused on their brand.

Let me give you an example.

If you’ve gone shopping for a car, chances are that your budget led you to look towards the shady, slightly off a main road tiny car dealerships where their cars are parked in the grass or gravel. The “salespeople” that waddle out of their trailer park styled office INSTANTLY give off the vibe of a stereotypical salesperson, and most people tend to avoid those places.

However, if you were to walk into your nearest Honda dealership, you would be greeted with open arms, a kiss on the cheek, and a coffee. Companies are trying to really distance themselves from the old stereotype and embrace a friendly, but still professional, workstyle that focuses on building relationships with their customers instead of dumping them in the trash after they’ve made a sale.

By pewjj19

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