Let’s be honest, we all make mistakes. Here is a short guide to avoid as many of those mistakes in possible in a modern sales conversation.

  1. Talking to much

This is a really easy trap to get pulled into. The customer will naturally ask you a lot of questions. Try digging yourself out by responding to a question with a question, you’ll be surprised to find how easy it is to get people to talk, especially about themselves.

  1. Avoiding budget

It is imperative that you are able to effetely bring up money. It’s the last thing that most people want to talk about, but being the one to bring it up can give you an advantage early.

  1. Feature Bombing

You have a great product with a whole lot of great features, right? Well shut-up about it. People usually only care about the features that are going to benefit them, figure out what those are before “spilling your candy”.

  1. Compliance

It’s all too easy to let a customer walk all over you in a sales conversation. Do what you can to prepare to take control form the very beginning and do be to complaint. What a lot of people need is a push in the right direction, not someone who is going to tell them they are always right.

  1. Wasting time

Sometimes a client just isn’t worth the effort. Try your nest to get out of these situations early and save yourself some time.

  1. Never closing a door

There are conversations that you know aren’t going to work out. Don’t be afraid to end a conversation early and refer a customer to someone who can help them more effectively.

  1. Complicating things

Sales is a much simpler process than many people make it! Be yourself and serve your customer, the rest will come with practice.

One thought on “The Seven Deadly Sins of Sales”
  1. I like that you call people out on complicating things. It is definitely too easy to do that! I over-hype something that makes me nervous, and it does make everything so much harder. It is so much smoother if you relax and understand that people are just people.

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