This video gives yet another example of a slick, dishonest salesmen. This salesman has no interest in his customers what so ever. He is only worried about saving as much money as possible while also making as much money as he can, as soon as he can. Furthermore, it is obvious that this salesman planned to rip this family off from the very beginning. He acts as if he cares, which is not very convincing, but then forces this family to buy another car on the spot.

It is important as a salesman to listen to your customers wants as well as their. Though the salesmen in this video seems to have initially done a good job listening to this families wants and needs he then uses the trust the family has for him against them. Additionally, it is also important as a salesman to be upfront and honest about what your company or business can or cannot provide. This salesman does nothing of the sort and says that he can obtain the car that this family wanted, then never actually comes through with anything. Sometimes it can be hard, but if another company or service would work better for a potential buyer of yours, it is best to be honest with them and let them know.

In conclusion, the salesmen in this video may make out with some cash here and there but he is not winning over any long-term customers what so ever. As a salesperson it is important to engage with potential clients/buyers and find their real pain, then capitalize on that by showing them how your product or service can solve that problem overall. Never force a sale upon anyone like this salesman so sneakily does.

4 thoughts on “The Sneaky Salesman”
  1. I loved the part when the salesman said “you think you hate it now, but wait ’til you drive it.” My first reaction to the salesman saying this was wow the customer is really going to hate the car after he drives it! But obviously I listened to it again and realized that the hope was that the customer was going to fall in love with the car after driving it, even though he initially hates it. This salesman was relentless in trying to convince the customer that the Metallic P was his best option and going so far as crushing his car so he’d be forced to buy the Metallic P.

    1. This kind of sales call stresses me out! Having that guy selling you a car would suck. But you are right, it is a great example of what is considered “slimey sales” and what happens when you project an opinion on your buyer. Listening is number one, actually fulfilling the order is number two. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This cracked me up! They obviously had this type of sale down to a science. I loved when the customer defended himself say that he is not your average gullible customer. I think those words came back to bite him later. This is whole situation is hilarious but honest at the same time. The salesman doesn’t care about anything but the money which definitely doesn’t fly with customers today. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I really like what you had to say at the end… While the salesperson may have got some cash, he probably won’t retain a customer. It is important to create and retain relationships.

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