1. Sellers need to create value with each interaction.

One of a company’s most consistent competitive advantage is its sales force. So in order to be successful each interaction with a customer should create value. In order to create value a sales person must be able to possess certain insights on issues and trends impacting their business. As well as being able to articulate the business value you are offering.

  1. Sellers need to become agile learners.

If you want to be successful in sales you must be a good thinker. It is important to understand what your prospects needs and issues are before you meet with them. Next, start creating ideas or alternatives for your prospect. Then be able to provide guidance for them as they move forward.

  1. Sellers need to be business improvement specialists.

Sellers must take on this transformation in order to keep up with the type of corporate clients there are today. This gets sellers to start acting and thinking differently which is what it take to be successful in sales.



2 thoughts on “Three Sales Tips from Jill Konrath”
  1. I had never heard of Jill Konrath but her insights go right along with what we have been learning in class. Those three tips really simplify the big picture which we have been learning about in detail. Learn the problem/pain of the customer, provide the solution your company offers (value), and constantly be looking for ways to improve! They aren’t always has simple as it sounds, but they are good tips to remember the purpose of our sale.

  2. I definitely agree that salespeople need to become learners as well. Sometimes we can get wrapped up in the knowledge of our product and are so passionate about closing a sale that we almost inconvenience our prospect with it. If we keep our ears open, we are destined for greatness. Great post.

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