A truly good sales person knows how to be deeply connected with the values of the company they represent. The words they use and the demeanor they possess are a representation of the company and product they sell. A good sales person realizes they aren’t just selling a singular product, but they’re also selling a name, a reputation, a business. This sales person will go above and beyond to make the sale and encourage customer loyalty through their representation of the company. Too many times people see their sales job as a stats oriented position and lose their zeal for the greater good of their business. If other sales people observe this, it deteriorates the overall morale of the work environment and sales quality decreases. Businesses should look for sales people who feel strongly about the product and business they represent. This brings energy to the sales pitches and boosts their effectiveness. A good business should reward passion with promotion to drive sales workers to be their best. I think this requires special attention in large corporations so top notch sales people don’t get ignored. If every corporation did this, it would drive the overall customer experience quality way up because customers would learn to expect this. Practically, businesses should be smart with hiring and efficient with training. Overtime, the world would start to see more and more passion in sales and in business as a whole.

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