Have you ever had to convince a child of something, whether they be your own, one you are babysitting or one you happen to meet? Perhaps it was to eat their broccoli, not to run out into the middle of the street without looking, or to clean up after themselves. In each of these cases there is selling of an idea needing to be done. You must convince them that what you are saying is worthy of note and adoption.

My Mom remembers having to reason with us kids sometimes as we did not think we needed to do our chores or eat what was being served or do our schoolwork (she homeschooled myself and my seven other siblings). She would mention things like, “Well, think about how much nicer things will be if we clean up and have a clear place to live in.” or “If you would like to eat something else for dinner, that’s fine but what has been put in front of you should be gone first. We are not going to waste food when there are people who do not have a plate at all.” She communicated her expectations as a person of authority and shared some perspective in the midst of that.

There were times that she had to convince us of that authority she possessed. Growing up in the Church with other people backing her was telling, her ability and knowledge to share with us right and wrong and then reward and discipline us as we explored ethics was also telling. She employed several systems to assert and share her ideas and expectations. Having grandparents and other adults around also enforcing her beliefs and structure helped in selling us on the way she was seeking to bring us up as humans. Reality as discipline also aided her in her quest to impart right ways of living to us. Such as allowing us to drive the way we were going to drive and if that meant that one of us would run into the law every now and again she let that experience speak to itself on how we should be conducting ourselves. Really, a genius strategy sometimes.

To be a parent you are in the arena of selling. You are constantly learning how to sway your kids to better understanding right ways of living. Ask God to help you, it is much easier with Him on your side as your strength.

By Cookal1

2 thoughts on “To Sell is to be a Parent”
  1. From what I’ve heard from my parents, there are definitely aspects of selling to children. One thing they told me is that as a kid is that I would always choose the last option I was given, so they would say, “What do you want, chocolate, skittles, or broccoli?”…..I would choose broccoli every time lol.

  2. It’s interesting to watching different parenting styles and seeing what strategies are effective and ineffective when it comes to the child’s obedience. Like a nonstop negotiation with someone from the moment they’re born to when they move out. Parents are the ultimate salespeople.

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