When approaching a sales situation, it is always important to observe and know your customer. It is arguably just as important, however, to know yourself. In class we talked about the differences between introverts and extroverts. Pink introduces the ambivert. A blend of both and pictured as the “perfect” salesman. A mix is ideal because sometimes an extrovert can tend to talk too much and not listen, due to their sometimes excitable personality. An introvert however, can sometimes not talk enough, and get run over by the customer. The ambivert plays a perfect balance of talking and listening. Having confidence, yet, humility. Although, you may have not labeled our own personal sales experience where we left feeling satisfied and better off as having dealt with an ambivert. I think if we look back at those experiences we can see the balance that was displayed of listening and talking at the same time.

4 thoughts on “To Speak or Not Too Speak”
  1. The balance of talking and listening can be found for both extroverts and introverts but it does take some work. Both these groups, especially when they are on the extreme side, can have difficulty finding the balance but it is in fact possible.

  2. Cool post! Ambiverts are definitely at an advantage when it comes to sales, especially for the reasons you point out in this blog snippet. I think extroverts are close behind, as they are likely to be able to adapt to conversation better than an introvert could.

  3. Do you see yourself as a mix of both?
    99% of our class identified as ambiverts – what are your thoughts on this?
    I have a suspicion that this whole ‘ambivert’ concept is different than people believe…in the sense that most everybody will identify as an ambivert when given the option. It’s an easy form of fence-sitting.

  4. Learning about ambiverts in class was very eye opening to me. It makes a lot of sense that the best salesmen are somewhere in between introverted and extroverted. They have to know exactly when to speak up and when to listen. Thanks for sharing!

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