Evan Adams from no wait made some great points on Friday when he spoke to the class. Along with many others tone was one of the things Evan seemed to emphasize and it is something I think many people in the sales world get wrong.

We all have come across the crazy, enthusiastic salesperson as we walk through the mall. They act like they are the most happy energetic person in the world because of whatever product they are selling. They then continue to act this way when people obviously are not interested. If they were a good sales person they would be able to pick up on their potential customers tone and try to mimic them and get on their level.

The same goes for a phone call. Instead of being forceful to sell your product right then and there give the person on the other end of the phone a chance to take control of the conversation. This can give them the opportunity to set up an appointment with you or at least get you a chance to talk to them on the phone when they have time. In both of these cases being quick and resourceful as a salesman to the changing tone of your potential customer is the best thing you can do. Acting like a lunatic or putting on an extremely over the top persona is a sure fire way to send the wrong message and scare away any customer that had any interest in what you had to offer.



By Funyak

One thought on “Tone of the Sale”
  1. Yes, it was very interesting what he was talking about with tone. It tied in with what Daniel Pink was saying about mimicking a person. Matching their mood and mannerisms makes a person seem more likable and personable. Not sure if Evan Addams has read that book but they definitely affirmed each other.

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