According to APTTUS there are 5 top books that all sales people should read. These books are not only written by best-selling authors but they offer personal business cases and applications.


  1. “How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success in Selling” by Frank Bettger

Bettger discusses his struggles as a failed insurance salesman, to owning his own estate and the possibility of retiring early. From his past experiences, Bettger tackles themes including ways of conquering fear and the power of enthusiasm. Overall, the book received a five star rating on Amazon and had multiple positive reviews.


  1. “Secretes of Closing the Sale” by Zig Ziglar

Ziglar discusses not only the psychological aspects of selling but differing communication styles with prospects when trying to close a deal. The author’s technique is rooted in creating strong relationships with right people.

A selected review from Amazon states: “I’ve purchased three copies of this book. Two for myself, one to give out to my staff. I started out thinking about sales in the same way most people do – sleazy scumbags out to make a fast buck. I started out wanting to make more money. I ended up learning that “You can have anything in the world you want if you’ll just help enough other people get what they want.”


  1. “Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness” by Jeffrey Gitomer

For salespeople who are looking for quick and direct tools to use in their selling pitch, Gitomer’s book is the novel for them. Giromer’s provided skills do no only apply to the selling arena but non-sales selling. The author states that people buy because: they like their sales representative, they believe their sales rep., they have confidence in the sales rep., they trust their sales rep., and they are comfortable with their sales rep.


  1. “To Sell Is Human: The Suprising Truth About Moving Others” by Daniel H. Pink

Pink states that no matter what vocation you are in, you’re are a salesperson. According to Pink, 1 in 9 people are in traditional sales roles, while the other 8 individuals are involved in non-sales selling. The author moves away from traditional sales styles and seeks to increase the relational side of sales.


  1. “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie

Carnegie not only discusses how to not only win over people but how to hand different personality types along with interpersonal communication techniques. His techniques will not only increase one’s popularity but help one win others over in their way of thinking.

A selected review from Amazon states: “his book is really helpful for business. I am responsible for sales and there are ideas that Mr. Carnegie shares that I have found very helpful. Mr. Carnegie shares stories about how some salespeople can have incredible success by following simple ideas. One idea is to be truthful and to show passion for what you sell. Someone that is passionate about the insurance policy they are selling is going to be more effective than someone who is indifferent. I loved this book so much, that I am buying this book for my staff and will share it immediately.”

2 thoughts on “Top 5 Sales Books of All Time”
  1. These all seem very interesting. I am particularly interested in learning more information about Bettger’s book. I think I might have to read it this summer.

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