The Value of Trust

There are many things which are valued to a customer, but one of the greatest is trust. According to Sales Force Research, 90% of companies say they will only buy from other companies which they trust.

Hurt Can Come With Bad Trust

Why do so many say this? One significant contributing factor is the many scams or cheap sales we have all experienced. From the free gift card you could get by putting in your email, to the cheap product that you thought was guaranteed to last six months, we have all been frustrated by poor products or services. Trust helps people guard against that. Which leads to another reason trust is significance:

Trust show Quality

When people enjoy your product or service, they are telling people you have met their standards of quality sufficiently. When they come back, they are telling you that you have a great product which they believe will meet their needs for years to come. Even people who come to Walmart, which is known for its cheap products, people come there because they trust Walmart to have the product they need, for the price they need.

Trust speaks of Integrity

Perhaps the biggest reason for a moral person to encourage trust within their company, trust shows the integrity of the company providing the goods or services. It says: “we will do what we say, and make sure you get what you need.” When a customer believes that, they believe the company is one of its word, one that will not take advantage of their customers. As Christians in the workforce, this should be a reason near and dear to our hearts.

Doing what is best for the customers leads to this trust. And in turn they reward us with their trust: a thing which leads to returning sales, referrals, and in turn, greater rewards for the company. This is the way God has designed sales: when companies give their customers what they need to the best of their abilities, customers in turn reward companies, and give them what they need (more sales). This cycle is possible, because of trust.

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