In an interview from Danial Pink, one of the best selling authors and psychologists that dives deep into the world of selling an Entrepreneurship. In this interview, Pink helps with one of the most difficult things that every Entrepreneur can go through; regret. In a world of unpredictability, there are many things that people may regret when creating a business, or dealing in a world of sales. As humans, Pink says, it is impossible to avoid regret. This is why Pink dives deep into saying we have to embrace regret.

This made me think about a time when I was in High School and I was just starting my landscaping business. Not really sure what I was getting myself into, and heavily unequipped, I took on a lot of jobs. At the start it was just me and a friend that worked part-time. So many that I just completely forgot about a customer and her need of a cut, weeding and trimming of her house. The customer was looking to sell their house and already had moved to California. Three weeks go by and the customer sends me a text with pictures of her yard and how terrible it looked. She didn’t hold back on the angry texts and and made me feel very small. This was a very hard thing for me to comprehend, and of course I went to her house right away to make it look as best as I could as quick as I could. Even though, I made the yard look splendid, I was still fired from the job, and I am sure I got a terrible review.

After reading about this interview with Pink and how to deal with regret, I realized that this was something that helped me grow and learn from a mistake. Although it may have hurt my reputation as a young entrepreneur, I learned to create an excel spreadsheet to keep all my customers in a list, the needs for the job, the date and time, and then I would update the customers when I was finished with a picture of a picture perfect yard. Pink says when people tell you about something they regret, they hint on something they value. This is very true because I learned to value my customers.


One thought on “Turning Negatives Into Positive- Daniel Pink”
  1. I like how you used your failure to improve your business and efficiency. There are several ways we can look at failure, but the best way is to try to learn from it. We’ll all fail sometimes so we might as well make the best of it.

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