Hey howdy hey, all you boys and girls! *honks nose*

My name is Bozo McDonald – I’m a nearly unemployed entertainer, and in my 60 years of clowning around I’ve picked up a thing or two I’d like to share with you.

  1. Improvise Everything
    • You’ve got to think on your oversize-shoe-clad feet. A little bit of pre determined structure is necessary. A rough map of the conversation, what goals you have for the conversation, and how you’d like to get there. But when the rubber hits the road, you’ve gotta wing it. Pretend like you’re an actor playing a salesman version of yourself. It adds a sprinkle of fun.
  2. Keep it lighthearted
    • Don’t take yourself too seriously! That’ll just nerve you out, which will quickly spread to your prospect. As your clown doctor, I’d like to write you a prescription for unlimited chill pills. Take one every hour of every day. Side effects may include happiness, better relationships, and higher quality work results.

I’ll have to cut it off here – my wife called. She needs me to pick up some seltzer water and cream pies. I don’t trust her around pies anymore so that might be a pass. You should’ve seen the bouquet I got her for Valentines day! It shot water at her face via a hidden button. I just narrowly avoided divorce court on that one.

Don’t touch that dial cause we’ve got more nonsense on the way! Stay tuned.

One thought on “Two Lessons from a Clown”
  1. I like your point about improvisation. Always prepare to wing it. Keeping things light and leaning into the discomfort is a great way to succeed and usually leads you to a more interesting scenario with a much better story.

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