Everyone Sells

Everyone is selling themselves all the time. You are using up other people’s time every day, and they give you their attention for the hope of a return on investment – whether that be an insightful word, an interesting anecdote, or a funny story. When people spend time on you, they are saying you are worth their time. Therefore, every interaction is a sale. And to make sure you are adding that value to other people’s lives, you need to assure them that their time is well spent, and leave a good impression.

Starting off Right

The very beginning of a conversation is crucial to a good experience. You want to start off on the right foot. Anything from a smile, a firm handshake, or a confident posture will all add to people’s perception of you. There are tons of techniques to use to help create the atmosphere you are looking for. If you are looking to appear confident and in charge, standing straight and talking authoritatively can create that atmosphere. If you are looking to be agreeable and likeable, adopting the posture and mannerisms of the person you are addressing can create that atmosphere. The options are endless.

Crafting a Story

People want to be entertained. The best way to entertain people is to give them something they enjoy and relate to: a story. Whether you are selling your product, or you are selling yourself, you need to have a good story to go along.

A good story has a lot of elements to it, but the place to start is in the pain. Why do people want to hear what you have to say? Why does someone want to buy your product? Understanding the pain of the consumer or listener, and then building your story around it, is the key to effective storytelling.

Start of strong, and give the listener a good story. If you give them a good time, they will look forward to their next interaction with you.


3 thoughts on “Two Tips to Sell Yourself”
  1. Haha, I love the title. I think the points you outlined here are extremely important. It can actually be beneficial to think of interactions as selling, as it allows us to value others and there time (as you pointed out).

  2. The best part of these tips is that they can be applicable in both sales and everyday situations. I certainly agree with your observation that everyone sells.

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