All clients are not the same and should not be treated as such. Some personal feel that time is of the essence and that the sales call needs to be urgently managed and quickly gotten down to be business with complete seriousness and no small talk. That any attempt to make small talk by a salesman is not coming from an authentic manner and should be treated as such. They may feel that they are here for one goal only and that to reach that accordingly you need to conduct yourself in such a manner. Other individuals do not want to feel rushed, and idolize the manner of small talk as a way of easing into the conversation. They may feel that if you as the salesman are only business you do not truly care about what their needs are and are only driven by greed and necessity. You need to enter both approaches with caution by first entering the conversation and gauging what approach will be made. I have often felt that a majority of the time it is a combination of the two. Enter the conversation from a personal approach of wanting to do the best for the client but at the same time understanding that a human approach of understanding their current situation through their set needs can often lead for a successful conversation.

2 thoughts on “Understanding the Client”
  1. Great and insightful post! Every client is different, so understanding who they are and what is needed to try and sell to each unique client is important when in sales.

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