If you want to be a great salesman not just an average one, according to Marc Wayshak’s website, you first must understand the why. This means why you do it, why you get every day and embark on your sales journey. If you say that you want to be successful and that’s your only reason, then your most likely going to be another run of the mill salesperson. But if you really understand what drives you and your passion behind why, how and what you sell, then you can unlock your capabilities of becoming a great salesperson. Personal factors are one driver that the article talks about that makes a great salesperson. Instead of thinking of it as just a job that pays the bills, think of it as a job that helps you provide a better life for you and your family.

Do you consider salespeople to be yes men or constantly saying yes to anything you ask? Marc Wayshak says a great salesman understands the meaning of no and uses it a lot. Time management is a key part to becoming a great salesman and by answering no to people that will just waste your time will help ensure that you are managing your time wisely. He compared it to be a lawyer that charges $1,000 an hour and how they know who can pay and who will just waste their time. Think of yourself as a great salesman to be a great salesman. I know that’s really cliché, but I think there’s some truth to that. Just don’t be too arrogant and full of yourself that no one wants to deal with you. Weeding out bad prospects goes along with time management. A salesperson starting out may have the mentality they need to sell to everyone. According to Marc Wayshak at least 50% of your prospects are not a good fit. Prioritize your prospects as well, size over frequency.   In essences by understanding the why and who your ideal customer is you can manage your time wisely and become not just a salesman but a great one.

One thought on “Understanding the Why?”
  1. Your comment that thinking of yourself as a great salesman can help to make you one reminds me of the importance of positive visualization. In my experience, realistic optimism about our abilities is one the keys to success. Sales is no exception. As long as we don’t become arrogant, positive thinking is one of the best things we can do for ourselves.

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