I was watching Family Guy over the weekend and I saw this interaction between Peter and a salesman. I thought this went well with what we talked about in class with defense tactics. When Peter opens the door he has a defensive line ready to try and prevent a sale. Then the salesman counters with a compliment to try and warm Peter up. Then the salesman goes into selling his product by trying to make it sound needed and important. This is exactly what we said not to do in class. I thought this was a funny showcase of what we discussed.


One thought on “Volcano Insurance”
  1. This is great, Jeff. Although it is not a difficult task to make Peter stop and think about something totally irrelevant, the salesman talks a good talk and goes in with a round-about lead. He makes him think, relates to him, and always has a come-back. He’s persistence, patient, and took his time on persuading Peter.

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