This video is a perfect example of what I have always perceived salesmen and the career of sales to be. I was never interested in sales or anyone that was involved in the field. They always came across as way too pushy and extremely annoying to me. I always thought they just repeated the same thing over and over again, and they never seemed concerned with their customers, just trying to catch your attention and be noticed.

After taking this sales course, I have realized that I am very wrong. The field of sales is much broader and has been evolving for quite some time now. The stereotypical sales person is not at all how sales operate or take place.  Strategies and techniques used today are very different now. I never imagined myself working in a sales position but taking this class has definitely opened my eyes. There is so much more to it than I ever realized.

One thought on “Wacky Waiving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man”
  1. This is a great example of an annoying salesman just trying to get everyone’s attention. Also, as you mentioned, I never really thought about how much salesmen, on commercials like these, repeat themselves. This, to me, is a real turn off and it always makes me change the channel and hope to never have to buy anything from that particular person. However, I hope that new, more customer-oriented salesman keep entering the work force to change stereotypes and the way sales are carried out.

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