I was researching things to write about for this blog post when I stumbled upon this article called “11 Best Ways to Boost Ecommerce Sales” by Neil Patel. I found it helpful and interesting and here’s a summary of what I learned from the article.

Existing Customers are Golden

Loyal and returning customers have been proven to be the largest source of revenue on ecommerce websites. While gaining new customers is great for growth, it is significantly better to focus on your existing customer base. Use the analytics you already have on them and reach out to them to make another purchase. The best way to do this could be through a sale, deal or even by establishing a loyalty program.

Videos are the Future

When trying to convince a potential customer to buy something from you online it’s an entirely different field then selling in person. The best way to showcase your product on an ecommerce site is by using a well-produced video. Pictures and words are too slow for today’s immediate culture. Videos are able to capture the customers attention and hold it if the video is produced right.

Sales and Discounts

Another key tactic for closing online sales is by using discounts, deals, and sales frequently to encourage the customer to act. Nothing gets a customer more excited than the idea of finding the perfect deal. Offering different types of deals frequently can even be considered a marketing tactic. I know for myself that when I see incredible deals online I’m far more tempted to make the purchase than if it an item was full priced. This is a great tactic for generating more sales online.

One thought on “Ways to Boost Ecommerce Sales”
  1. These are some solid tips, especially the one about video. It is easy to forget that YouTube is the second largest search engine. Video truly is the way of the future, and e-commerce should capitalize on this trend, especially with more and more people joining the “digital native” population every day.

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