Sales is a profession that has not changed too much through time. The fundamentals of it have stayed the same, there is a buyer and there is a seller that is trying to sell a product or service to said buyer. The seller uses several tools to try and convert that buyer. But what if something were to change? What if there was a revolution in sales that completely changed the game?

As technology advances, sales will advance as well and technology will likely change how salespersons approach things as a whole. As technology moves ahead and products become more and more specialized, sales tactics will have to change. For starters, salespersons will need to become more personable and they will need to be able to really tap into what a buyer needs or wants out of a product. Since 2020, it has been proven that people do not have to be in person to succeed. This is a change that we are already starting to see and something that I think will only become more prevalent in the coming years. Virtual and remote sales meetings are typically more convenient for all parties involved and they are proven to have strong conversion rates still.

A big change that I would like to see in the future is more ethical sales tactics and sales people. It is really easy to take advantage of someone in a sales conversation. Our culture likes to take the easy way out a lot of times and that is why people get taken advantage of and part of why the sales profession has such a stigma around it. If there could be a change that makes sales tactics and salespeople more ethical, that would be revolutionary for the industry as a whole. It would not only be more prosperous, it would also align with how God wants us to live and treat others which is the ultimate victory.

4 thoughts on “What does the future of sales look like?”
  1. I love your thoughts on the future of sales and totally agree. I think its interesting that so much more sales success happens online these days, but I also think we’re losing the human empathy importance of it. I honestly prefer shopping in person to make sure purchases are legit and for human interaction and connection. I’d also love to see the sales world become a more ethical place, which would begin with loving others as Christ loves us.

  2. Cayden, I totally agree with your opinions on this post! Something that really stood out to me was having more ethical sales tactics. I think once a salesman can perfect their ways, it’s unfortanelty easy for them to manipulate the customer. I for sure think there needs to be some sort of change within the industry.

  3. This post had so much insight into what sales is and could be. Your thoughts about the future of sales are much needed for todays world. I wonder how more people can get on board with this idea and be more ethical in the sales process.

  4. This post really got me thinking! I feel like we’re moving in the right direction with the balancing of the knowledge that both the seller and buyer are able to obtain coming into a sale, but this post definitely has an applicable aspect for the future.

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