Last post of the year – wanted to take a minute and reflect on what I really am going to take away from this class.

  1.  Sales is nothing like I thought it was going to be.  I thought sales was still today like it has been for years, asymmetrical.  But things have changed. The buyers have all the infomration they need. They have power now.  Rather than push a product or service on them it is all about building relationships.  If done correctly, this relationship building will lead to a mutual buying decision and not one person strong-arming the other.
  2. Approach sales as doctor looking to help a patient rather than as a guy trying to make money.  As salespeople, we should be looking to find pain and then find a remedy for that pain.  By doing this, it will help us empathize with the prospect and reach them more easily and effectively.
  3. Lastly, be dilligent and fall in love with the process. Sales is hard. There is a lot of rejection, a lot of “no’s” and difficult situations.  If you fall in love with the process and seek to hone your craft and approach, it becomes almost like a very fun, fulfilling game.


2 thoughts on “What I Learned”
  1. Reflection is a good process. I know for a fact that I have learned an awful lot in this class as well. For instance, I had never heard about framing something for psychological effect before this class. Now I can’t get away from the “frame game”. It’s a little weird.

  2. I also appreciate how I have learned to diagnose problems and pains like a doctor. After Sales, I have a better perspective on how to see people’s positions and how to help them.

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