I am a junior in college, and for the sixth semester in a row, I have been what Grove City College has dubbed… a Crimson Caller. Basically, our job is to call alumni and update their information, ask about their college experience, and ask for monetary donations.

Here’s what I learned from nearly three years of calling… and also the Office.

  1. Do not make fun of a customer, ever. Even if their name is funny or if they accidentally said something that makes you want to giggle. It doesn’t matter. No matter how nice a customer is, you have to remember that they aren’t your best friend, and you don’t know what offends people that you’ve only been talking to for 30 seconds.
  2. Treat them with respect, even if it is not reciprocated. Sometimes, people you talk to on the phone are extremely rude. It doesn’t matter. It’s your job to maintain a professionally pleasant voice throughout the conversation.
  3. Speak loudly but not aggressively. In many instances, people that I’ve talked to on the phone could not hear me. It is really easy to get annoyed and raise your voice in annoyance under the pretext that they couldn’t hear you. Even if you have to repeat what you said five times and basically yell into the phone, maintain a pleasant posture throughout.
  4. Do not give up on a customer based on first impressions. Sometimes people answer the phone and, immediately, you think to yourself: there’s no way their buying/donating/giving me their time. Don’t judge too quickly. Just ask good questions and do your job and, possibly, you might switch around the situation.

Happy selling!

By KimAA1

3 thoughts on “What I Learned from Thousands of Phone Calls and the Office”
  1. I think treating people with respect is key to being a successful sales person. no matter how rude the customer is being, you have to remember to keep you cool. Being respectful can go a long ways. Great Post!

  2. Awesome post!! The Office is my FAVORITE show! Some people say that respect is earned… those people probably wouldn’t do too well in sales! Thanks for the reminder to respect EVERYONE.. especially customers!

  3. oh my gosh ha – great video that really enhances your blog! These are some good tips and things I am not the most familiar with. You, by far, have more experience than me calling people, so thank you! Especially the reminder to treat people with respect – always important and a core foundation of our faith!

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