There are many techniques that a sales person can use. But the biggest one in my opinion, is persuasion. On the surface this is such a simple concept and I feel like the word “persuasion” can be misinterpreted. I read this article, “27 Persuasion Techniques Every Sales Professional Should Use.” In this blog post, I will be detailing a list of 4 persuasion strategies that were the most beneficial in my opinion.

1. The first way is mastering the power of the information gap. This is usually a technique that is used to peak a leads interest and try to grab their attention. The first technique into doing this is asking a hard hitting question that really makes them take a step back and think. Another way of peaking their attention is giving them a jaw dropping stat about your product.

2. Studies show that when a salesperson connects with their lead on a personal level, their chances of converting them skyrocket. A lead truly liking you goes beyond the sales conversation that they are having with you. You must connect with them on a personal level, sharing some easy personal information is an easy way to connect with a person.

3. Ultra-aggressive salespersons that act like they know what is best for a person tend to be uncomfortable to work with and buy from. A way to avoid becoming like this is to put the lead in the drivers seat. They are making this decision for themself, the salesperson may want them to buy from them, but they are leaving it up to the lead.

4. The “foot-in-the-door” technique consists of making a small request and then following it with a much larger request. Studies show that getting a person to say yes to a small request increases the odds of them saying yes to a larger request.,involves%20slick%2C%20underhanded%20sales%20manipulation.

2 thoughts on “What is a persuasive sales person?”
  1. Very good post Cayden! I agree that getting to know the customer on a more personal level is very important and makes everyone more comfortable. I also like how you mentioned that sitting back and letting the potential customer do the talking is more beneficial for you and them.

  2. Cayden, I loved how you went into detail about each persuasive strategy. My favorite one is that when salesmen connect with customers on a personal level, their sales skyrocket. Customers just want to feel heard and appreciated, not just someone that is being used for profit. Great post!

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