A sales conversation is between a buyer and a seller. The seller is typically trying to persuade the buyer into purchasing their product. The seller will identify the customers needs and they will show how their product can be a solution to those needs. I read, “The 7 Step Process for Extremely Productive Sales Conversations.” In this blog post, I am going to summarize the 7 steps to having an extremely productive sales conversation.

1. Do your due diligence- before you have a potential buyer come in, try to brush up on their background and learn what you can about them. It is important to prepare for the person that you are going to be selling to.

2. Find out their pain- While you meet with them, find out what their pain is and how your product helps that pain. Your products value proposition needs to be relevant and personal so that it can help to ease the customer’s pain.

3. Build a relationship with the customer- Studies have show that when a buyer trusts a seller you are more likely to convert that sale. If you are able to make your conversation personable and natural. It is important to find common ground on a personal level between the seller and buyer.

4. Discuss the value of the product- Boasting about how great your product is, will not get you anywhere in a sales conversation. What makes your product special? What does it do differently than others of the kind?

5. Project authority, but don’t dominate the conversation- Being confident is key in a sales conversation. Don’t talk over your prospective buyer and talk on the same level as them.

6. Engage in active listening- Showing that you are interested in what your customer has to say is crucial to making them feel that their opinion is valued.

7. Keep it human and conversational- Making your buyer uncomfortable by speaking in “businessese” is not going to convert them. Keep the conversation simple and personable to make the buyer feel at ease.


3 thoughts on “What makes up a productive sales conversation?”
  1. Cayden, great post!
    I love how you listed some steps with what makes up a productive sales conversation. Out of the 7 you listed, my favorite was the 7th one, “keep it human and conversational”. I think this is so important because a lot of the times, sales conversations can feel very scripted and not natural. Once you make the conversation more relaxed and not feel so “business-like”, then it helps the conversation flow so much better.

  2. This was a fantastic summary of this blog. I have found that building a relationship is key in sales and is a great way to build trust. Great post Cayden!

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