Last year when I was just starting out my pressure washing company I was not totally confident or knew exactly what I was doing and selling. There was this one lady I was giving an estimate for and she could tell I wasn’t knowledged with what I was selling and she started to use me on that, she was trying to add on different things while I was doing the job, things I didn’t give a bid on. Sense I wasn’t confident I didn’t have the guts to call her out on it so I did all the things she was adding on and I didn’t charge her for them, thankfully I didn’t lose money on that job but I came pretty close to it. I learned that being confident in front of the clients shows you, you know what you are talking about and they feel more comfortable with you working and it gives you more control of the situation.

4 thoughts on “When in Doubt Own What you are Selling”
  1. Confidence is very important. People in sales conversations will feed on that uncertainty and use it against you. Maintaining control is imperative in every situation while giving off that the prospect is in control. Once you lose control you lose the conversation.

  2. Being confident is definitely important! It’s always a struggle because as salespeople we must also constantly act like rookies. There must be a balance in there somewhere, right?? Nice post!!

  3. Yeah unfortunately people are very perceptive. That means you have to actually know what you are doing, actually be confident about budget, and actually have good intentions. People may not call you out, but they will notice.

  4. Being a salesperson, you have to be confident in your knowledge of what you’re selling, even if you don’t really know much about it. When i read this, the first thing that came to my mind was the saying, “Fake it until you make it”. You need to act confident in front of the customer so they do not take advantage of you. This is a good less because you can learn from this experience and improve on it!

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