One of the topics we mentioned in class was the idea of Cold Calling. Cold calling is defined as “make an unsolicited call on (someone), by telephone or in person, in an attempt to sell goods or services.” Nowadays cold calling isn’t a method of sales you hear a lot of because of the emphasis people place on “social media selling / marketing.” However, cold calling is still and important and effective method of sales, and here’s why I think its even better than social media sales and marketing:

  1. Faster: It takes time to sift through the milions of people on social media to find your target audience and then connect with them – whereas cold calling helps you reach exactly the person(s) you want to.
  2. Productive: Instead of being strung along on social media by people who may not know what they really want, cold calling helps you find out if someone is interested in what you’re selling or not.
  3. Simple: Unlike social media, where each media outlet has a different approach, and where there’s complications involved with how impersonal social media can be; cold calling is direct. Its simplicity lies in that all you have to do is Get the numbers -> Have a script ready -> Call the numbers and set up appointments. A simple formula that works everytime.
  4. Your voice is heard: Instead of being one amongst a million online sellers, marketers, scam artists and basement-based-sellers : your voice is actually being heard by someone who you know could actually buy what you’re selling. That is a great advantage to have.
4 thoughts on “Why Cold Calling is better than Social-Media Selling”
  1. Social media can be very complicated and confusing for some user. another big thing about social media is that not all prospects have social media so that is already limiting your pool of people you can contact. Great post!

  2. Social Media is definitely not as simple as it sounds. There are reasons that managers just for social media exist! It takes tons of time and thought to truly develop an effective social media strategy. Cold calling could definitely help accomplish some of your goals faster than social media.

  3. I think that it’s interesting how marketers only think to reach our generation by social media, but never try cold calling! Maybe we would listen more! Great post!

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