LinkedIn is the most popular, professional social networking medium that is around today. LinkedIn can be used as a helpful tool to communicate with potential employers, and strengthen your own brand as an individual. LinkedIn has over 500 million users, and has been active even longer than Facebook. There are a couple of reasons why making a LinkedIn profile can be a gamechanger in a person’s professional life. First and foremost, it is a resource with an immense amount of information regarding employers and can help you get in touch with a potential recruiter. Perhaps the most important aspect of LinkedIn is the fact that it helps you to market yourself as a valuable asset; hence building your own brand. Sales is not simply about selling a product to an end user, as selling or seeing value in the skills and abilities that you have can be even more important. Furthermore, this tool helps for your name to get exposure on Google, and as a result of this can help to increase a person’s credibility. Also, LinkedIn works as a modern “business card folder” as it holds all of your contacts and you can keep the information of business people that you interact with in a protected online database.

The ability to research and gain information about certain companies and their employees can also be obtained through using LinkedIn. This ability to learn more about a company than what you knew from the interview alone can help you make an informed decision about where you would like to be employed. It is important to remember that LinkedIn also is a form of social media, so you can track and monitor trends in the business world regarding certain companies as well. Finally, the networking capacity and ability to make connections through LinkedIn cannot be emphasized enough.

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