Sales in the Startup has been to me the most useful class taken at Grove City College so far. I really enjoyed learning techniques to use in conversation that can make a difference. During the spring semester I found myself asking people a lot more questions then I was used to, and when they asked me a question I wouldn’t give a straight answer but would respond with another answer. Ross and I were often asking each other “On a scale from 1 to 10” questions all the time. I feel as if now, after taking this class I am more prepared to enter the workforce.
I love real world classes, Lean launchpad was another real world class that I found was great because I was very life like. It was a class that took you out of this little bubble that is Grove City College. The more you can learn outside of a textbook the better off you are.
Sales could potentially be my career after college, so having a class that is mainly directed at sales is great. Learning the strategies of when and how to ask questions in order to take control of a conversation is a skill I would have not of had unless I had taken this class.
I really love this article and even wrote my own about how sales in the startup has also changed the way I think when it comes to sales conversations. I also agree with your take on the real world classes at GCC, like Lean Launchpad. These classes have really been the most useful classes I have ever taken in my life by far, and there are still many to come.