Today I’m gonna be talking about how wolf of Wall Street provides a half decent example of selling in certain situations. We all have heard about this sell me this pen example. Typically it is used at the beginning of Gary V type speeches the ones where they talk about I can make you $1,000,000 in a month but let me tell you something there is a lot wrong with this example. like I had mentioned the sell me this pen example provides many different benefits to people in sales positions. But there are many fallacy’s within this example that can lead salesman astray. The example begins with a young Jordan Belfort asking a new salesman to sell him a pen at dinner there was steak at the dinner there is also plenty of sides. The point of the example is for the salesman to sell the pen to Jordan at the dinner table. The salesman responds with the typical responses such as talking about the quality of the pen. Then Jordan Belfort gets upset and takes the pen back and tells the salesman to write his name on a napkin at the table, did I mention they were at dinner. Well they were at dinner and they were eating steak amongst a myriad of other delicious looking sides. J


ordan Belfort then confidently looks at the salesman and explains to them the the point and meaning of the example. Obviously, the salesman can’t write his name because he doesn’t have a pen what Jordan is offering him is the ability to write his name on the napkin because he now will have a pen. As they sat at the dinner table because they were at dinner enjoying steak amongst many other sides. While the scene is very entertaining and generally makes me very hungry I believe that these sell me this pen example is extremely fallacious. What do you sell me this pen example tries to show is that the salesman is always in control which if we were in present in class every day like me you would realize that this is not true your client is always in control. There is no reason why you should be able to tell the sales client what they need the sales client tells you what they want it is our job to listen. While at dinner enjoying steak amongst many other sides Jordan Belfort never asked his client questions about his life or family or about why he wanted this delicious pen. For these reasons amongst many others is somebody this pen example becomes dangerous one area where it does provide some truth is in the fact that you need confidence when selling I like to look at it as the Dwayne the rock Johnson example.


3 thoughts on “Why this Sell me This Pen Example is Bad”
  1. I love how you critiqued this example that a lot of salespeople try to use as a good example of how a salesperson should try to sell. This is still a good example for selling to me because it digs into the pain or the need that the client has. It does not dig as far as it should because it is not the real pain but it does try to fill the need of the client which is still a technique that salesman must use.

  2. I really like how you took this approach because this is a method used so much in the sales world. By critiquing this you are able to show a different perspective compared to what is normally accepted.

  3. This is an interesting take on this example but it seems true. Jordan did not consider the customer’s needs but just told him that he needs the pen.

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