One of the core concepts discussed in class was “You have to learn to fail, to win”. Failure is very important in business because you learn from your mistakes and grow. Many people are afraid to fail because of the rejection, but it’s a good learning experience.  They also associate failure as a setback, but it can be an opportunity to learn what not to do and ways to improve.

A key point is that failure does not define who you are as a person. Mattson said that there is a role-you and a real-you. The real-you didn’t fail, rather the role-you didn’t have a successful attempt or strategy. I think many people need to know the difference between these two roles because you cannot take failures personally. Instead, you have to take them as lessons and ways to look for improvement.

Working in an office and selling generators, I faced a lot of times when I failed to get new customers and have them buy a generator. I knew I could either have these failures affect me personally and get down on myself, or I could accept that I didn’t get the customer and learn from my mistakes. I would figure out what I did wrong and even talk to my mom about it, cause she has experience with salespeople. She would give me critiques and different techniques to help me be better at talking to potential customers and getting them more interested in generators.


One thought on “You Have to Fail to Win”
  1. I love the quote “you have to learn to fail, to win”. I think it is such an applicable quote when thinking about sales. No one is gonna close 100% of the sales pitches and conversations they have, it is unrealistic. Rejection is going to happen and it is all about learning from the rejection that you experience. Tweaking your selling methods to fit these new findings from failure is key.

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