Being a young person walking into a store shouldn’t be out of the ordinary, but sometimes we are met with hostility. Countless times I have walked into stores and have been spotted and followed, followed around every turn, around every rack, around every isle. Many times I don’t get a reaction out of them, they don’t ask if I need help or offer their services, they just linger. I know, and many other people who have gone through the same thing know that these people are following you out of fear that you are stealing. At one point it got so bad I refused to go into stores with bags that I or my family acquired over the shopping trip out of fear of being accused. My younger sister to this day hates trying on clothes because of three separate issues where mall security was called after she was suspected for stealing. She was 15 at the time.

As I write this blog I asked my roommate if she has ever suffered from this and she immediately starts riddling off stories of her and friends being followed and in some cases asked to leave. The story that irritates her the most was when her and her friends in high school walked into Saks Fifth Avenue just to look around. She was saying how she was never in a store that nice and now never will return. The salespeople locked eyes and were more questioning their reasons for being there rather than asking for help. I am curious if this is a natural reaction for some salespeople or if they have learned to do this through experience. I am sure we have all had this scared dog look on our faces at least once in a store. The cat being the lurking salesmen. 

4 thoughts on “Young Adult Problems”
  1. Hahaha I love the visual aid you provided, definitely sheds some humor on the issue. I actually used to be salesperson at the outlet mall here in grove city. I definitely was never taught to follow people around, so I think those other people are just crazy. Cool post!

  2. When I was in middle school, I once tried to hide something I wanted to buy within the store so that I could come back later when I had enough money to buy it. Afterwards, the store’s security followed me for the rest of the time I was there. I did not steal anything, but the glaring stare of the security guard made me feel like I had committed murder! I never did go back to buy the thing I hid in the store and I am fairly certain they would have moved it back to where it belonged anyway.

  3. Following people around through their store could possibly be one of the worst/most annoying things a salesperson could do. Although a salesperson should be helpful and close enough to be able to easily offer aid when need be, they should never be in their potential customer’s shadow.

  4. You should bring this issue to the press! I have had a few situations like this too and I didn’t realize it was because of our age until you pointed it out. Thanks for sharing!

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