Let’s just get right into it… Over the summer I purchased a new motorcycle. After browsing around on the internet for several months, I took a trip down to a shop that had the model and color I was looking for. Before entering the shop I had already talked with a sales associate on the phone. Mind you, the man I talked to on the phone seemed to be a very knowledgeable and kind guy. However, when I came to the store the man I talked to on the phone was busy, so I got reassigned to another salesman that I will now refer to as ‘Mr. Solutions.’ Mr. Solutions acted just as his name suggests. Every problem that I presented with buying he had a perfect solution. As you can imagine, Mr. Solutions’ skill set did not end at being a problem solver, he also possessed an uncanny ability to ‘outplay’ the competition. Every time I mentioned a competitors price he responded with, “they are awful over there. You definitely do not want to conduct business with them.” Instead of mitigating the impact of his competitors, he actually encouraged my curiosity. All in all, everyone can agree that this is not a pleasant experience; however there is something more to be learned here. Being a successful salesman does not mean that your only job is to close the sale. Now more than ever, a salesperson must connect with the customer on a personal level. Mr. Solutions clearly only cared about making the sale, which angered me in the buying process. Salespeople must also be willing to let the sale go if the fit is not right. Hopefully we can all learn something from this poor buying experience. Lucky for him, I liked the bike too much to say no…

3 thoughts on “You’ve Gotta Be Selling Me”
  1. I’ve experienced salespeople like this too, and they’re literally the worst. They always seem to care more about getting me to spend money than actually helping me. It might be an easy trap for salesmen to fall into though, since they may actually care, but they also want to show you that they can solve your problems. Regardless, it’s always important for salespeople to be authentic- even if that means not making the sale.

  2. Salesman like this can be effective at one off sales, but exactly as you say they do not accomplish anything beyond a one time exchange ending in buyer’s remorse. I know exactly what you’re talking about with ‘Mr. Solutions’, and I never find that I desire to deal with that person again or recommend them even if they successfully sold to me.

  3. “Mr. Solutions” did not do a great asking questions and understanding what it is your thoughts were. He made the service and the product the priority, rather than your interests.

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